Computer Science Lab Notebook

Unit1: Build a Lab Notebook

Install Tools. Design lab notebook. Learn GitHub Pages. Work with Pair (pair name).

Week Plans Hacks(Todo) Tangibles
0 - Daily Plan
- Tools Setup
- Review Ticket
1 - Daily Plan
- Conditionals and Python
- Review Ticket
2 - Daily Plan
- Linux Shell and Bash Notes
- Conway's Game of Life
- Review Ticket
- Classic Snake Game
- Conway's Game of Life
3 - Daily Plan
- Tables
- Pair Showcase Linux interaction
- Review Ticket for Showcase

Unit2: Learn Language

Learn (JavaScript|Python|Java). Start Agile development process.

Week Plans Hacks(Todo) Tangibles
4 - Daily Plan
- JS Input Grade Calculator
- Review Ticket
5 - Daily Plan
- JS Calculator
- Dog Sprite Sheet Animation
- Review Ticket
6 - Daily Plan
- Web Programming Basics: Test
- Review Ticket (JS Basics Test)

Unit3: Building a Web Application with GitHub Pages for N@tM

Week Plans Hacks(Todo) Tangibles
7 - Daily Plan
- Start Screen
- Full Game
10 - Maryam Individual Review
- Review Ticket

Unit4: OOP Programming Fundamentals

Week Plans Hacks(Todo) Tangibles
13 - Daily Plan
- Mario Hills Background
- Overview of JS OOP Assets (Mario)
- Dynamic Game Levels
14 - Daily Plan
15 - Lesson for Enemy
- Mario Platforms Lesson
16 - Parallax Lesson Plan
- Animation Lesson
- GameLevels Lesson - Local Storage
17 - Revised Animation Lesson
- Leaderboard Lesson
- RPG Elements Lesson
18 - Full Game
- Index Start Screen
- Extra Credit: YouTube video
- Trimester 2 Reflection