Extra Credit Notes and Write-up


  • Many projects in CSP allowed for better understanding Matlab projects
    • Agile, scrum, etc.
  • CSP directly prepares for a first year at college studying for CS
  • Make sure you know the fundamentals of CS to start off

  • The more that you apply for in CS, the better chances you have for getting into a program
    • Undergrad college isn’t as important, so just get into wherever you can and study hard
  • Look into more niche areas if you don’t want to focus solely on CS
  • Some professors or colleges have specific projects or focuses that they have
  • More diverse majors, where you can combine different classes/areas into one degree (biology, psychology alongside CS)

  • Extracirriculurs that show a commitment to coding are important to highlight for a CS application
    • Something like teaching shows a high level of understanding
    • Leadership opportunities, like organizing an event or reaching out to many people, are better than simply being on a team but having nothing to show for it
  • Make sure your passion for the subject stands out when you’re applying, be able to show application of a project and not just code for it
  • CS is very project-based, so make sure you like/are comfortable with that if you want to go into that

  • Spend time on a variety of projects, even outside of class, with different tools and skillsets
    • Show dedication, wide net of skillset, numerous different deployed projects
  • Having physical projects that show you know a language and can apply different topics to real world projects

  • Do just one or two quick problems a day to get better at solving problems and increase the chance of an internship

  • For a passion project: find a company you want to target and take something they’ve made and put a spin on it or change it
  • Build something you enjoy, based on other outside interests

  • Gain confidence and experience in what you do and be able to articulate your abilities

  • Things to know:
    • Vercel: deployment tool
    • Sveltkit: web development
    • A personal website with a custom domain to put projects and build resume
      • More about code behind it than the content itself
    • Hyperplexed YouTube channel
  • Don’t overrely on ChatGPT