Summary of Accomplishments:

Cloned new student repository

  • Transfered old, favicon, theme, and other personalized elements from old blog
    • Reverted theme back to default midnight due to overlay issues with other themes on notebook pages

Added new documents to notebook

  • Learned how to add assignments to ‘table of contents’ of notebook
  • Completed Hacks from all previous weeks and put them in notebook
  • Wrote Review Tickets and Daily Plans for previous weeks

Added game to notebook

  • Troubleshooted adding game from codepen code
    • Had issues with multiple files of CSS and JS on top of Markdown/HTML
    • Troubleshooted adding missing files
  • Experimented with code from nighthawkcoders repository
    • Had help from Mr. M figuring out what to add and what to remove in order to be successful
    • Added Conway’s Game of Life!!!!

Completed Hacks from week 1, including minimal coding in Python

  • Created simple script to sum numbers within the range 1-100
  • Created simple script to sum numbers from user input when given smaller number first