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Tools Installation Hack

Sprint1: Tools and Software Development Process Verification

Laptop Verification or Cloud Workspace

Linux commands:

ls: lists files and folders in current directory

pwd: prints current directory

mkdir: makes a new directory

cd: change to a different directory

git: command that tracks versions of files

brew: Runs Homebrew, a package manager

Tools Installation Hack

Version Control

How are the files from GitHub placed on your local machine? How do you navigate to those files?

  • The files are placed in a user-selected directory on their local machine. To navigate to those files, either access them through your hard drive or open the repository on VSCode or another source-code editing program.

How are the files updated in GitHub? How do you navigate to those files?

  • The files are updated in GitHub after the user creates ‘commits,’ or code changes, and then ‘pushes’ those changes to GitHub alongside a commit message. Navigate to those files using GitHub’s search function or by clicking through folders to find the correct file.

How would you update your template of the portfolio_2025 repository? How would you make it more applicable to your specific course?

  • I updated my template by adding back the ‘schedule’ layout from my old repository to better organize my files in a notebook format, complete with unit titles, weeks, and the name of the course. I also changed the theme to my liking, and I added personal information about myself.

Localhost vs. Deployed Server

Changes made on my local server are only stored on my device and can only be seen by me. Changes made on my deployed server can be seen by anyone who has access to my repository (since mine is public, this means anyone on the Internet.) Localhost is perfect for testing out code changes before deploying them.

What is the localhost URL for your project? Can anyone else see what you see?

  • No one else can see what I see

What is the GitHub Pages URL for your project? Can anyone else see what you see?

  • Everyone else can see what I see

DNS and GitHub Pages

Is there a domain on your GitHub Pages?

  • The domain on my GitHub Pages is

Is the URL for your GitHub Pages different from your neighbors’ URLs? Did you change the URL? If so, when?

  • My URL is different because I have a different GitHub username and I named my repository differently. My repo was originally named “student25” before I renamed it to “maryam_2025”